Archive for May, 2011

First Bionic Hand created

An Australian youth going by the name “Milo” has the first bionic hand ever created.  After a trajic motorcycle left the hand intact but useless, he met with Prof. Oskar Aszmann, who not only worked on his hand after the accident but now has expanded the boundaries of science with what is now the most advanced prosthetic arm.  


With two sensors that “read” the motor impulses transmitted by the brain, Milo will be able to perform a lot of everyday functions. The only issue now is he still needs to remotely control his wrist with his left hand.

The bionic hands are manufactured by German prosthetics company Otto Bock.

Check out more vids and pics here: BBC News 


First Bionic Hand created

An Australian youth going by the name “Milo” has the first bionic hand ever created.  After a trajic motorcycle left the hand intact but useless, he met with Prof. Oskar Aszmann, who not only worked on his hand after the accident but now has expanded the boundaries of science with what is now the most advanced prosthetic arm.  

[[posterous-content:pid___0]]With two sensors that “read” the motor impulses transmitted by the brain, Milo will be able to perform a lot of everyday functions. The only issue now is he still needs to remotely control his wrist with his left hand.

The bionic hands are manufactured by German prosthetics company Otto Bock.

Check out more vids and pics here: BBC News 


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